The levels are random so you cannot predict how much gold will be on any level or exactly which power-up #dynamite, more time, faster reeling, etc.) to buy between each level. Each level is timed (60 seconds# and you must reel up a certain amount of gold or gems in that time to get to the next level. There is about 10 seconds wait time while the miner reels up bigger gold nuggets from the bottom of the screen, which are obviously worth more money, and smaller objects are reeled up quickly. The miner's claw swings back and forth and you will click once when the claw is pointed at the treasure you want to reel up. Mindless and relaxing with no mad clicking.
I beat this version the first time playing, though I had played for several years before buying here. Good Old Classic I don't know what version I had on my 6-year-old laptop, but I never beat that game.